A large collection of unique information sources and collections
Ravensteinstraat 3, 1000 Brussels

Opening Hours
- Monday: from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
- Tuesday : closed
- Wednesday : from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
- Thursday : closed
- Friday: 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
- Every year, we are closed in the month of August and between Christmas and New Year
The CINEMATEK movie theatres, exhibition space and library are easily accessible due to their central location near Brussels-Central.
Our library is difficult to access for people in wheelchairs. Please contact the library manager so that we can find a suitable solution for you.
Brussels Central is located 240 meters (3 minutes walk) from the library.
Public transport
All information on the site of: STIB
- Metro
- Lines 1, 5: Stop Central Station or Park
- Tram
- Lines 92, 93: Stop Koning/Royale
- Bus
- Lines 27, 28, 9, 71: Stop Koning/Royale
Lines 38, 71: Stop Bozar
Lines 29, 38, 63, 65, 66, 71: Stop Central Station
There are bicycle sheds in the vicinity of CINEMATEK, such as in Ravensteinstraat and Koningstraat (corner Baron Hortastraat).
Use the parking app parking.brussels to find the nearest public parking to your destination. It’s far more comfortable, quicker and safer than to park on the street. Furthermore, the city is more enjoyable with fewer cars in the streets.Apple store Google Play
Practical Information
Through its library, CINEMATEK offers a large collection of unique information sources and collections about Belgian and international cinema which, while respecting copyright, can be consulted on site:
Magazines, festival catalogues and yearbooks
Digital collections
Everyone is welcome: students who need information for presentations, dissertations or theses, doctoral students, professors, journalists, researchers working on historical, aesthetic or other themes.
Don't hesitate to contact us by telephone: 02 551 19 30 or e-mail: bib@cinematek.be if you have any further questions.
How to make a reservation?
A selection of film magazines, general reference works and the latest book acquisitions can be freely consulted in the reading room.
Other sources have to be requested in advance, at the latest before 01:00pm of the working day before your visit.
Consult the online catalogue to reserve documentation.
If you have found the documents that you want to consult, please send the title(s) + reference numbers (books) or the title(s) + year + month/number (magazines) by email to bib@cinematek.be.