Signal GPS perdu

Pierre Voland, Belgium, France 2022

⁄ 43' ⁄ SUBS : EN-FR

Signal GPS perdu

Pierre Voland, Belgium, France 2022

⁄ 43' ⁄ SUBS : EN-FR

What do snowy mountain landscapes filmed in Super 8, a gay dating app and an Old French text written by Chrétien de Troyes in the 12th century have in common? Yet these are the elements brought together in the film Signal GPS perdu. And it is in these seemingly vertiginous discrepancies that filmmaker Pierre Voland speaks to us most closely about the quest for the absolute, the desire and the paths to take in order to lose our way. Because, as we all know, the path that leads to love is never the one we imagined.

Signal GPS Perdu DP FR Signal GPS Perdu DP FR2 Signal GPS Perdu DP FR4