La Paresse v2

Chantal Akerman, united states of america, belgium, west germany 1986, Chantal Akerman, Sonia Wieder-Atherton

color ⁄ 8' ⁄ SUBS : EN

La Paresse v2

Chantal Akerman, united states of america, belgium, west germany 1986, Chantal Akerman, Sonia Wieder-Atherton

color ⁄ 8' ⁄ SUBS : EN

SLOTH 00 04 36 21 Still006 SLOTH 00 00 43 14 Still002 SLOTH 00 06 00 17 Still008 SLOTH 00 00 46 20 Still003 SLOTH 00 01 47 22 Still004 SLOTH 00 02 27 20 Still005 SLOTH 00 04 47 11 Still007 SLOTH 00 00 21 18 Still001