
Sema Poyraz, Sophokles Adamidis, germany 1980, Semra Uysal, Yüksel Topcugürler, Birgül Topçugürler

color ⁄ 89' ⁄ SUBS : EN


Sema Poyraz, Sophokles Adamidis, germany 1980, Semra Uysal, Yüksel Topcugürler, Birgül Topçugürler

color ⁄ 89' ⁄ SUBS : EN

Gölge is the daughter of Turkish immigrants and belongs to the so-called "second generation". She lives with her younger sister and her parents in a small two-bedroom flat in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Gölge struggles with balancing the strict morals of traditional Turkish culture and the freedoms of German society. Her desires conflict with the reality of the flat, which offers no privacy. When her mother tries to give her more freedom, her father reacts negatively. Gölge begins to dream.

Golge 1 Golge 2 Golge 3 Golge 4