Our Story: Akihiro Miwa
A Japanese Drag Icon

From classic works to super-experimental creations, from main-stream entertainment to the most militant stories: OUR STORY invites you to explore the rich history of lhbtqia+ cinema and question the complex links between the queer community and film, as film is both a space for emancipation and an instrument of discrimination. Our Story’s programmes, which also accommodate guest appearances and short contextualisations, are aimed at both the general public and audience members who want to reappropriate their film memory.

Friday 20.12 21:00 LEDOUX Cart

Our Story: Akihiro Miwa : A Japanese Drag Icon

Black Lizard
  • Kinji Fukasaku, Japan 1968 ⁄ Akihiro Miwa, Isao Kimura, Kikko Matsuoka ⁄ color ⁄ 87' ⁄ ST - OND: EN