Welcome to the website of the Royal Film Archive of Belgium - CINEMATEK
we have been preserving and screening films since 1938…
Today in our Theatres
Thursday 13.02
Ulrike Ottinger CB ⁄ Films de Jadis / Het Zilveren Scherm
L’Ange exterminateur ⁄ The Exterminating Angel ⁄ El ángel exterminador ⁄ B&W ⁄ 91' ⁄ ST - OND: NL - FR
Luis Buñuel, Mexico, Spain 1962, Silvia Pinal, Enrique Rambal, Claudio Brook
Patrick’s Choice
L’ Honneur des Prizzi ⁄ Prizzi’s Honor ⁄ color ⁄ 128' ⁄ ST - OND: FR - NL
John Huston, USA 1985, Jack Nicholson, Kathleen Turner, Anjelica Huston
Précédé d’une présentation bilingue par Patrick Duynslaegher.
Johan van der Keuken (2)
Face Value ⁄ color ⁄ 120' ⁄ ST - OND: FR
Johan van der Keuken, Netherlands 1991
Thursday 13.02
Anthologie du cinéma muet / Anthologie van de stille film
Robinet et l’araignée / Un ragno nel cervello ⁄ 6' ⁄ TIT: — ⁄ ST - OND: — ⁄ PIANO
Emilio Vardannes, Italy 1912
Brains Repaired / Le Retapeur de cervelles ⁄ 5' ⁄ TIT: EN ⁄ ST - OND: — ⁄ PIANO
Émile Cohl, France 1911
Max et la Doctoresse ⁄ 16' ⁄ TIT: — ⁄ ST - OND: — ⁄ PIANO
Max Linder, René Leprince, France 1914
Chez le dentiste ⁄ 5' ⁄ TIT: — ⁄ ST - OND: — ⁄ PIANO
Anoniem - Anonyme, France 1907
Le Petit Jeune Homme ⁄ B&W ⁄ 6' ⁄ TIT: — ⁄ ST - OND: — ⁄ PIANO
Louis Gasnier, France 1909
Charlot Dentiste / Laughing Gas ⁄ 13' ⁄ TIT: EN ⁄ ST - OND: — ⁄ PIANO
Charles Chaplin, USA 1914
Le Domestique se venge ⁄ 2' ⁄ TIT: — ⁄ ST - OND: — ⁄ PIANO
Anoniem - Anonyme, France 1907
Anesthésie ⁄ 6' ⁄ TIT: — ⁄ ST - OND: — ⁄ PIANO
Anoniem - Anonyme, France 1909
Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock presents... (5)
Alfred Hitchcock presents: The Safe Place (s03e36) ⁄ B&W ⁄ 25' ⁄ ST - OND: NL
James Neilson, USA 1958
Alfred Hitchcock presents: The Impromptu Murder (s03e38) ⁄ B&W ⁄ 25' ⁄ ST - OND: NL
Paul Henreid, USA 1958
Cineflagey Cineflagey
FLAGEY, Place Sainte-Croix, 1050 Bruxelles 02 641 10 20
Much more than movie theatres
In the Wunderkammer, the history of film is brought to life through various interactive showcases, starting from the Chinese shadow play to the cinematograph of the Lumière brothers.
Our Collections
Chantal Akerman Collection
CINEMATEK not only conserves all the films of this masterful director, but also manages her entire archive.
The library has a rich collection of books, specialized magazines, press clippings, photos and posters about film and cinema. Consult the online catalogue.
Discover the Collection of DVDs and books published by the Royal Belgian Film Archive, CINEMATEK, available for sale online
100th anniversary UCPB-UBFP: Daens & Le Diable au Corps
Discover the first two films in this anniversary program!
09.01 2025
The UBFP-UPCB is a national association representing FIPRESCI in Belgium, bringing together professional critics and journalists who promote cinema…
Union of the Belgian Film Press (UPCB-UBFP) celebrates its centenary
100 years of film journalism in Belgium
09.01 2025
The UBFP-UPCB is a national association representing FIPRESCI in Belgium, bringing together professional critics and journalists who promote cinema…
While most people can easily define what a museum or library is, understanding the purpose and mission of a “Cinémathèque” or Film Archive can be…
CINEMATEK, Restauration
While most people can easily define what a museum or library is, understanding the purpose and mission of a “Cinémathèque” or Film Archive can be…